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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Can't access forum dashboard 504 gateway time-out

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Posts: 87
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Joined: 3 years ago

I think that the problem is that my forum has a lot of pictures and every time I want to access the forum dashboard it has to get up to date Board Statistic and so much pics make it difficult.Any solution for this?This is a big problem 🙁

Board Statistic

Forums 9
Topics 1530
Posts 16425
Members 344
Members Online 2
Avatars Size 157.37 KB
Default Attachments Size 86.00 B
Advanced Attachments 202790 file(s)
Advanced Attachments Size 42.29 GB
Total Size 42.29 GB
2 Replies
Posts: 87
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Joined: 3 years ago

Oh, it happens as well accessing Advanced Attachments add-on, so definitely it's related with the amount of pictures.Also, the lightbox feature doesn't work in some threads...