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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Cant find a phrase

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I cant find this phrase

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please help

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Hi @central4allgmail-com,

This question is related to the Cross-posting addon. Please try to change it with Loco Translate plugin. This is not included in wpForo Phrase System yet. For further questions pales use gVectors Support forum:

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Sorry to say but looks like you dont know how wpforo works.

In phrases you choose the "package" where the phrase comes from.

This is wpforo function nobody else.

I already translated the opposite phrase

This article is also published as a forum topic here."

If i am somewhere mistaken please feel free to let me know


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Posted by: @central4allgmail-com

Sorry to say but looks like you dont know how wpforo works.

In phrases you choose the "package" where the phrase comes from....

😀 please never say this... I am one of the developer this system. I know it very well. And I was correct, that phrase is not integrated in phrase system because it's not called with wpforo_phrase() function. It currently looks like this:


But other phrases, which you've translated has integrated with the wpforo_phrase() function:


 However, you still can add it. Just click on the [add new] button. Then insert the identical English version as Phrase Key and the translated version as Phrase Value.

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Thank you Martin , now you are real help.

One comment only, from the moment that the package is added in wpforo, is just error / missing from the package.

I didnt think about the new phrase, i knew but sometimes if something is infront of the eyes you miss it.