Hi @ffooccuuss, wpForo doesn't need any prefix. wpForo tables have _wpforo_ secondary prefix, it's not a primary prefix. So your forum table prefixe...
Hi @coinnewsweb, Put this CSS Code in the Custom CSS Code textarea in wpForo > Settings > Colors & Styles admin page. Save it, delete all ...
Hi @novedddd, You can also disable the Delete Own Account button using this hook code in Code Snippets plugin or directly in your child theme's func...
Hi @matejrepka, I'm really sorry, but only the public RSS is available in wpForo plugin. We don't have private or authorization based RSS feed.
@martinasjam, If you don't want wpForo to jump and scroll to the first unread post, you can disable "Topic Links Jump to First Unread Post" option i...
Hi @novedddd, The first versions of wpForo had 10–20 features, so we had to update this plugin very often to fix bugs and add more features. Now, wp...
@levelbest, There are more than ten type of caches in wpForo, they are being auto-purged for sure: forum / single forum / list topic / single ...
This is not a wrong schema, this is a correct schema for Q&A forums. We'll take under consideration the new schema for classic discussion boards...
Hi @priorideal, Currently, wpForo only supports QAPage Schema: This schema will be automatically turned on if you change the forum layout to Q&...
Hi @rjwhuang, Again, I'd recommend copy some very usual spam words and phrases and create a user blocking rules using Forums Censure PRO plugin:
Hi @xfok, We've added a new hook, it'll be available in the next wpForo release: wpforo_user_display_name
Hi @f1atb, Please let me know the name of your multi-language plugin.
Hi @slite Thank you for letting us know, we're going to check and fix it very soon.
Hi @percysgrowroom, Ok, thank you for letting us know. We'll add some changes to prevent such errors. This is not a core issue, but this can be prev...