Nov 15, 2022 9:36 am
just setting up a forum for a new customer, therefore not able to share the site URL as the forum anyway will be a closed forum.
I have issues with the checkbox for subscription of a topic - checking it will display a hook, but only in a very light color, so it's not really visible. How can I style the color of the checkbox content (so the mark-sign)?
See picture attached.
Thanks in advance!
1 Reply
Nov 15, 2022 12:01 pm
OK - managed to find the issue - it's related to the theme used (OceanWP) and the styling there.
By adding below CSS code, I managed to get it working:
input[type=checkbox]:checked:before { color: #C16E2A !important; content: 'X' !important; padding-top:1px; }