I've been messing about with a few different types of Forum software, and all of them haven't done what I want. wpForo does exactly what I want, but has very little documentation on how to setup properly, etc.. I looked around and couldn't find an issue to my problem (Spent pretty much all day trying to fix this).
Basically, when I click on a... Category, eg "Report a Player" (This is for a server) it comes up with "Page not found". I believe this is something to do with the way Wordpress is doing permalinks, and the actual page it's looking for is on a different URL, but it thinks it's on one URL... I don't know, I have no clue what i'm doing really.
The URL to the site forums is
It works fine, but once you try and click any link to a category on that page it comes up with page not found.
Thanks 🙂
So, I ended up getting bored with waiting, and decided to try figuring this out one more time... And I actually figured out what the problem is. I thought this was a problem with wpForo at first, but apparently it was with my Apache setup.
For those that also have this problem (Though I doubt it) What I did, is I went to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or something along those lines and set AllowOverride All. I also changed Require All to Granted, and those seemed to fix it.
Thank you for sharing this information. Jsut another note, you should not use wpForo with default WordPress permalink structure ( ?p=1 ). wpForo only adapted for SEO friendly permalinks. Also you should make sure the Apache rewrite module is enabled.