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[Solved] Custom Rating Level Not Working

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I'm trying to change the reputation rating level on a user by applying a custom rating level, but after clicking the 'update user' button, the custom level is not applied.

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HI @dhendricks,

Please provide admin access to your website, send the credentials to info[at], mention this topic in the email and let me know here that the email is sent.


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Email sent. Thanks!

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Please check does your website's MySQL user have all the privileges. e.g. alter table.

Because of that, wpForo's tables hadn't got necessary updated from 1.9 to 2.x

After giving the alter table privilege, run the below SQL

update wp_options set option_value = "2.1.6" where option_value = "2.1.7" and option_name LIKE "wpforo%"
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Thanks, all the privileges should be there. There isn't a 'prefix_options' table in the db so that sql doesn't work. Is that the right name of the table?

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Edited the SQL.

wp(is the DB prefix) your DB's prefix can be different.

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Ah, I didn't catch that 'prefix' was just a placeholder, sorry. I ran the SQL but it didn't fix it.

I can't have that site down, with plugins deactivated, so I cloned the site and sent you new credentials for that.

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The SQL should work if the privileges are set. Please double check that part.

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