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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Did phpbb migrate now 404s

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As per the title, i did the phpbb migrate, it is showing users and forum structure properly in dashboard, but any time i try to visit a page it just 404s ?

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are there no moderators here to ok this post so i can get some help or what ?

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Posted by: flexinoodle

are there no moderators here to ok this post so i can get some help or what ?

Hi @flexinoodle,

First please be patient when you're looking for a help, the number of topics and posts in different forums doesn't help to get faster support. You should understand that your time-zone doesn't match to the support team time-zone. Our time zone is between +1GMT to +3GMT.

As per the title, i did the phpbb migrate, it is showing users and forum structure properly in dashboard, but any time i try to visit a page it just 404s ?

The link you've provided doesn't work and you didn't explain what page you mean? We don't see any description of problem, we only see "page is 404s". Please be informative and answer on these questions:

  • What page is 404?
  • Where we can see the issue?
  • Have you deleted all caches in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page?
  • What is your forum page?


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I was trying to fix it while i waited.

As you can see above, two of the same installs, latest wordpress, latest version of your plugin, on Navichord sub domain you can access the forum main page, on mercsunderfire you can not (These are both on the same server by the same supplier by the way.


If you check the menu i created on mercsunderfire you will see that the whole menu works, so can access profile and recent posts etc, but when you press the forum button (Correct shortcode) it doesn't work.


Hope that is clear enough for you ?


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Why are all my posts awaiting moderation ?

Is that an issue with your forum plugin or just some strange limit you guys have set here ?

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just done a fresh install at

doesnt work there either

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