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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Do not work iframe and icons etc

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Joined: 8 years ago

I hope you soon will fix it, because not available use forum... this is live site... thanks

Posts: 10587
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

We found many custom things on your websites. Please don't do any customization with wpForo. For example, we found padding-top: 60px CSS code attached to all video divs. This is not our code and this is the first reason of your problems. Someone tries to fix some functions and make it more problem-full. Please don't do that.

Now all issues are fixed, we're currently checking facebook iframes on iOS devices. I'll update soon.

Posts: 10587
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

Here is the copy of Martin's email to you:

We found this small JS code (this JS code was adding extra div around all videos with top padding 60px and causing  the problem) in theme JS file and removed. No all videos should be displayed correctly. please open a new private session in iPad browser to check the result.

Regarding to Facebook widget. We found that the issue cannot be fixed, because this is a Facebook bug caused on iPad and iPhones. More information here:

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