I belong to a number of non-wpforo forums, and in some of them if I mention a members name with an "@" before the name (@name), the member automatically gets an email announcing s/he has been mentioned in a post with a link to the post.
Does wpforo have this ability? If not, can it be considered for the future?
Hi @moonshadows
The light version for user mentioning function is added in wpForo started from the wpForo 1.4.3 version. It detects @nicename, sends email notification and change the @nicename to this user profile link. The email content can be edited in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Emails admin page.
Thanks @sofy
Will it work if the @name is not someone you are replying to or has not participated in the discussion of the topic.
Example: @Name#1 starts a topic and @Name#2 replies, Can @Name#2 also mention @Name#3 (who has not been part of the topic) in his reply because he wants to alert him to this topic?