Apr 29, 2018 12:29 pm
1. Tell me where can I edit the template for the letter that comes to confirm registration on the forum through the mail?
It's unclear why the letter has two links?
Why the link in brackets <> ?
2. I disabled the display of the nickname near the name - http://joxi.ru/bmoxzwDuxayRB2
Why is the nick shown when you watch the forum via your mobile phone?Β Or do I need to clear the browser cache on my phone?
3.Β The main page of the forum has a post, but why does not the counter see it? -Β http://joxi.ru/bmoxzwDuxa7Mv2
4.Β I bought an addition to the forum wpForo Advanced Attachments,Β installed the kind of works! But did this come about? How to fix it? -Β http://joxi.ru/DrlvoewFvYG4B2
2 Replies
Apr 30, 2018 1:16 pm
Hi @dimbays,
- wpForo uses Wordpress core (native) registration functions. This email template also comes from Wordpress. I'm sorry, but you can't change this using any wpForo features.
- Β Please try to check it using another mobile browser, or Β test with incognito window.
- We've already fixed this issue, please wait for the next version releases, it comes very soon.
- The icon in the screenshot means that the topic has any attached files. Each topic, that has attached files, will have such icon from frontend.
You can check it here: