Hello all,
One of our members was posting tonight.
When looking at his activities, I saw this in the overview of the man.
Does not me think this is good.
All caches have already been deleted.
Would this be a bug?
Could you prevent me from seeing here: Awaiting moderation
It seems the poster remove post title or add URL in title when post a reply. These are the only reasons. We'll add a new condition in core to display topic title if the post title doesn't exists.
Could you prevent me from seeing here: Awaiting moderation
You're a new registered user and wpForo keep your post suspecting until 3 topic or reply is posted. As far as I see this is your 3rd reply and your post will be automatically approved in future.
The poster responded to an overarching topic launcher.
The reply from the poster was only answered with a url
Ok, I see. it seems this happens when the post only contains a URL. We'll check this issue.