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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Few problems. Menu missing, timezone wrong, new registration no email...

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Hi there. 

I like what wpForo is doing for forums on WP, but I'm having a few issues. Can anyone shed some light?

  1. When I'm in my main forums area, I do not have the menu bar that says "Forums, Members, My Profile" etc. The menu bar is there, and the search is there, but the nav items are missing. 
  2. The timezone is not honoring the timezone set in WP settings. How can I fix this? It keeps saying everything is 4 hours ahead. 
  3. When new users register within wpForo, I get no new user email. If they register from WP, I get a notification. How can I enable new user notification?
  4. Is there an option to subscribe to topic updates when pressing submit? It's a small hassle to submit a new topic, THEN subscribe to it. A checkbox would be great. 

I think that's it for now! 


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Hi obrienlabs

When I'm in my main forums area, I do not have the menu bar that says "Forums, Members, My Profile" etc. The menu bar is there, and the search is there, but the nav items are missing.

Please read this support topic:

The timezone is not honoring the timezone set in WP settings. How can I fix this? It keeps saying everything is 4 hours ahead.

wpForo timezon is user specific time zone, you should manage Timezone option in your profile > account page.

When new users register within wpForo, I get no new user email. If they register from WP, I get a notification. How can I enable new user notification?

There is no option yet, we'll add it in future releases.

Is there an option to subscribe to topic updates when pressing submit? It's a small hassle to submit a new topic, THEN subscribe to it. A checkbox would be great.

No yet, this is also in our to-do list.

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Thank you for your reply.

wpForo timezon is user specific time zone, you should manage Timezone option in your profile > account page.

Is it possible to implement that all default users get the timezone of the WP site? Then they can fine tune it if they wish? This was confusing for me and I'm sure others.


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Yes, we'll add this in future releases.

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Joined: 9 years ago

I'm still having an issue. When I post, it's still showing 4 hours in the future, and when I edit, it's showing 4 hours in the past. 

My WP timezone is New York and my profile timezone is New York. Anything else I can check?


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