Hi, the template of my site is font awesome,, and the wpforo use too.
I just want setup the show site including forum with custom fonts, after test with css finally 99% of all is ok and working, but theΒ tool bar of reply editor appear with icons messed up.
Here the css
font-family: "Arial Rounded MT Std",Arial, sans-serif, FontAwesome,"Font Awesome 5 Free", Linearicons-Free !important ;
Please take a look on the attach.
Hi @savethehuman5,
You've damaged all with your wrong CSS code. Please remove it. This makes tons of problems and there is no way to fix it. instead of that CSS code you should use something like this:
Β Β Β Β font-family: "Arial Rounded MT Std",Arial, sans-serif;
Don't set Font-Awesome font for all HTML tags. And don't forget to delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 to reset browser cache.
Thanks for the fix.
Applied and all back to normal π