Hello, I just noticed a problem with the edges of the forum in the mobile version.
The problem appears when I post an article on the blog and automatically passes it to a section of the forum.
The edges look very large in the mobile version, and it looks very bad
Example (see mobile version): https://forocomprasonline.com/foro/noticias/que-hacer-yomequedoenmicasa/
And how are the edges in the normal threads of the forum (see the mobile version too): https://forocomprasonline.com/foro/noticias/como-llevais-la-cuarentena/
Hi @franricht,
This is a small conflict with the active theme,
.et_pb_row { margin: 0; width: 100%; } @media (max-width: 980px) { .et_pb_section { padding: 0; } .et_pb_column .et_pb_row_inner, .et_pb_row { padding-top: 0 !important; } }
Just put the CSS codes above in the "Custom CSS code" textarea, located in the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style Tab. Â
Please don't forget to delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 (twice) on the frontend before checking to reload the updated CSS file.  Â
In case of mobile devices please check on incognito mode. Because mobile browsers have a hard cache, you'll not be able to see the change immediately.
Thank you thank you thank you! It works perfectly.
Greetings from Spain, I walk with a little cough, I hope it is not the d**n virus.
Take care of yourselves.