Hi I was hoping someone could help me, I have set up a wpforo forum on my site,
I have added the forum sections in - setting - Manage plug in - forum. I have also add the anti spam using as suggest using google catcher. I believe I have done every thing correct, however when I click on my forum all I see is the start page and every thing in blank? There no option for user to register and I can post and post myself as admin. Could any help?
My site is - www.ulandiwars.com
Thanks in advance John
Hi @runningmonkey,
Have you made any changes with Usergroups and Forum Accesses?
Could you please leave a screenshot of the Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page?
Thanks for your help. If I click on forum - dashboard - forum access- There is just a box that's says = (Add new forum access) and nothing else.
I will try a add some screen shots, but I don't see anything on the forum home screen and there is now where for new member to register.