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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Forum page is not found

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Hello. I recently downloaded the wpforo plugin with wordpress. I am locally hosting for now using MAMP. The issue i'm having is as follows; whenever I click on a forum link i get the following message "Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found". Even on a new reinstall using the default forum 'main-forum' this happens. The URL seems to be redirected correctly, not sure what's wrong. I've changed my forum slug, i've reinstalled several times and i'm NOT using my home page as the forum. I'm using a menu tab on my home page (localhost:8079/wordpress/) which links to my main forum page (localhost:8079/wordpress/forum/). Form here the individual forum page (localhost:8079/wordpress/forum/main-forum) is not found. Please help as i've spent numerous hours searching this forum and online.

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Did you get any solution? I exactly have the same problem working locally. I use MAMP too, and  I resinstalled a new basic wordpress and just wpforo plugin version 1.2. I asked on, they told me to verify my permalinks and mod_rewrite enabled on apache,  but this is ok. 

I have no problem to access to  http://localhost:8888/wordpress/community/, but like you all forum's links  get a 404 error pages.

Last week i had wpforo version 1.1.2 on the same server, worked properly. 

So i'm bit stuck for the moment.



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I'm sorry but I can't deeply support local installations. Please make sure mod_rewrite module is enabled (for clean URIs known as Permalinks). Also it may be :8079 port issue. wpForo permalink system may not support ports.

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Are there other ports that may cause issues for wpforo permalinks?

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this is not a specific port issue, this is issue in general. When you have a port in URL wpForo may not work.

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Wordpress seems to be rewriting my .htaccess rewrite base to 'RewriteBase /wordpress/' instead of 'RewriteBase /'. Could this be the issue? If so, is there any way to get around this?

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I'm really sorry but I have no idea what's wrong on your end, it's hard to debug such issues. The only recommendation I can do is removing port from your server URL, and reinstall WP/wpForo. the URL should be:




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Hi gaia,

can you create a live website in web so we can check it?

Also can you configure your local server to not use port in URL? I think this is the main reason.

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So, I 've just installed a live version, and it works Super!!

But for the local installation, I don't know how to remove the port in the url, I use MAMP and honestly I'm not a server superstar, still searching on web the HOWTO. I will let a reply if i find something.

But I still don't understand why it works but version 1.1.2 😉

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Hello again Robert.

So I finally changed MAMP port and all wordpress url too. So you are right that was the solution for me for this version. Would be great if it could work with MAMP port (8888) too, because I believe lot of newbies like me with server use this apache port.

Really big thanks for help.