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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Forum Sitemap showing errors

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The site map for my forum profiles is showing 17 errors, and i can't find out how to fix the problem

When i look at the site map, it shows some blank spaces..... 17. so i suppose these are the erro, but how do i fix it? 

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ok Percysgrowroom, 

We're going to check the issue. Please wait a bit.

I'll update the topic asap. 

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Posts: 1213


Thank you Sofy, I appreciate it. 

There seems to only be issues in the profiles section of the site map I think. 

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Here is a pic of the problem sofy, I have no idea what this is trying to tell me. 

There are 17 profiles in my profile site map that are not working properly. GSC tells me this:


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Please follow the steps below:

1. Open the class-seo.php file in the /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/ folder

2. Find the members_sitemap function on the line: 75

3. Replace the function with the following one: 

    public function members_sitemap($paged){
$paged = absint($paged);
$sitemap = '';
if( $paged && $profiles = $this->get_public_profiles($paged) ){
foreach ( $profiles as $profile ){
if( $profile['loc'] = wpforo_member($profile['userid'], 'profile_url') ){
$sitemap .= $this->sitemap_url($profile);
return $sitemap;

Delete all caches and check again. It should work fine. 

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Noble Member
Posts: 1213


ive done this, not sure if its fixed yet, but looking likely, thank sofy, ill keep you informed 🙂