Hi there,
i don't know if it's the good place to post my problem.
My problem is :
A Guest can view a topic title as he doesn't have access to where the topic is located.
When you click on the topic title, you see nothing of course. But it's a problem if you need to hide some informations π
See screenshot
Is it possible to hide this information if the user doesn't have the access ?
You should also disable "Can View Forum" permission for that Usergroup, if a user has a permission to view that forum then it'll be able to see the list of topics, but it'll not have permission to view posts.
as you can see on the following screenshot (Usergroup - Guest / Forum Accesses - No Access right / Forum Permission), user "guest" (not registered on the forum) can't see nothing ...
But on the Forum statistics, he sees a topic that should not seeΒ π
Could you please leave some screenshot to allow us see the forum permissions set:
Usergroup - Forum Access
Just edit the forum of the topic you're talking about and make a screenshot.