Hi, I was wondering if there's a way with wpforo to display all the attachments of a certain forum-- perhaps in a multimedia library type way? I know the Advanced Attachments does something similar for individual users but our community really relies on easily accessing documents shred through the forum.Â
Hi @jcardona,
I'm really sorry, but wpForo doesn't have such a feature.Â
The workaround is using the wpForo Advanced Attachments add-on, just add shortcodes in post content, and it'll show all attachments in the topic. But this is not recommended the loading may take a long time.Â
Hi Sofy,
Thank you for the quick response. Is there a way to at least manipulate the directory in which the attachemnts get uploaded to? For example /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/default_attachments/FORUM_ID/upload.pdf or something like that?