I've "unchecked" Can add topic for registered usergroup, however, the user group are still able to see "Add topic" button and they can still submit the topic for approval.
I want to remove the access for them to even try to add topic. How can i do that?
Hi! What do i need to set over at usergroups and permission?
Attached my current setting
Hello Tutrix,
Yes i believed i have done the setting
Under Forum Access, i disabled registered user to "Can Add Topic" <-- UNCHECKED
Under Usergroups and Permissions <- "can access to add topic page" <-- UNCHECKED
My use case:
forum members can reply to topics, only admin and editor can add topic (its currently working as its supposed to be, registered usergroup can "TRY TO" add topic, but need the topic to be approved (moderated)
I want to remove this add topic for moderation function completely. They cannot even see the add topic function. how can we achieve this.
my standard access setting "unchecked" can create topic
my registered user only has "standard access"