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[Closed] How can I have multiple forums with same structure?

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I found your plugin and it looks like it will do about 99% of what i want it to do. Unfortunately, I am having difficulty with one set up that I will need for all my custom post types and similar plugins. 

The site I am building is a topical site in which all topics have their own posts, events, and forum sections. 

In my case TOPIC would be something like Baseball, basketball, swimming, etc that are defined in a custom post type. As of now, I have 950 topics defined. 

I'd like to create a Q/A section for each of these topics. I shouldnt have a problem creating the basic forum structure, but the archive pages, counts and related info need to all include a filter (->where('topic', $topic))

But the trouble I am having is implementing this relationship. 

I have metabox which i was hoping would  be able to add the relationship, but since you have custom tables (which i do prefer) I'm not sure how to make this happen within wordpress.  Each post would just need a drop down to select topic if not already preselected from the topic archive page. 

IE Add new $topic Forum post, 

So in general, I have my baseball topic, so within that page I'd link to baseball articles, and dedicated forums/ Q/A etc. 

Can you help? 

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Hi @jcc5018,

The relationships you're looking for can only be done with lots of custom cording. i'm really sorry but there is not an easy way do this kind of connections. You can hire one of wpForo developer if you want:

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Alright, well it is disappointing that such a basic function  of adding ->where ('topic', $topic) to a query is so difficult and potentially expensive to implement. I'm trying to figure out how to do it myself, but how do i modify your codebase without it being overwritten? I expect there is some hook, but you docs don't really have any details on that and Im still trying to make sense of the wordpress docs. 

Please keep in mind, this isn't an all too niche request. Its very similar to your board system. But a similar system could be used for schools who want to provide separate forums per classroom, but all using the same structure. Or businesses that want to separate forums per department. Or social media groups, etc.  Or even a stack exchange clone, since you have used that comparison, where each topic is its own thing but all within the stack exchange umbrella.  So it would be worth considering as a feature. 

The only requirement would be a foreign_id column on the topic table and a setting to dictate what that foreign id should reference.  Though I may be able to use your meta_key/ meta_desc columns if i had instructions on how to set that to 'topic'/ {$topic} or post_id   I'm not seeing any documentation on the meta columns. 

Then each post page (ill use the board term for this) just adds the posts()->where ('topic', $topic) to the query.  

I think the functionality is there, i just need guidance on the setup. 

I believe your structure is Boards have many forums, which have many topics, which have many posts. Right? 

So in my request, forums are the same for every subject, but filtered to only pull topics related to the subject. 

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The main time consuming thing is understanding what exactly do you want. I still cannot fully follow you, so it may take hours or even days to discuss and understand the exact requirements.  This is the first reason of the paid support. 

Try to explain things using some schema, graphical solutions or screenshots. I still can't follow you what and how you want to connect. 


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Oh, that is an easy enough thing to answer. 

Here you go...

I think your plugin can do everything except filter based on the hobby. 

So everything will be the same except the topics need a place to store a hobby ID.

That hobby could easily be changed for other purposes such as group, business, class, etc as suggested earlier. 

Every one of the sub links displayed are specific to the hobby. So if i click add new topic, it will be add new "$hobby" Topic, etc. 

the archive page will list  for example X Q/A topics for baseball..  not just X q/A topics.  

so like i said, this whole thing is really just adding a conditional statement. 

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Hi @jcc5018,

I recommend reviewing our plugin called "wpForo – Topic Prefix & Tag Manager." This plugin can be helpful in adding hobbies and other prefixes or tags to your topics.

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