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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How do I unvote?

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TIMS Forum
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I voted up a topic as a test. But before launching this forum I want to remove my test upvote. I went to the topic and clicked the downvote icon, but a toast message appeared that said, "You already voted on this post." Which is true but how can I remove a vote, either up or down, that was left as a test or in error as an administrator of the Forum. Thanks!

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I'm sorry but there is no way. However you can remove all votes in _wpforo_votes table in Website Hosting Service cPanel > phpMyAdmin database manager.

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TIMS Forum
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For the way in which we plan to use the Q/A capabilities of the Forum, I would like to make a future development request for the ability to manage Votes. I would like a view in the Forum Admin UI that included which user voted, how they voted, the ability to remove votes.Β 

And I think users should have the ability to change their vote. They may originally think an idea is good, but after participating in comments and learning more, may change their vote.

As an admin I would like the ability to allow the changing of votes for a period of time or allow it indefinitely.

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Good ideas. We'll add list of voters like it's in Extended and Simplified layouts. Also we'll make it possible to change vote.

TIMS Forum
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@Robert , Is this suggestion in the latest release? If not, when is it planned. I have users asking for the ability to change their vote. Thanks!

Posts: 10587
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I'll add this in to-do list of 1.4.2 version. No ETA yet.

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TIMS Forum
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Posts: 46

Woo Hoo! Happy Dance!

TIMS Forum
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I have 1.4.2 but this suggestion is not working. πŸ™

I just upvoted a new post but could not down vote. Screenshot of toast message is attached.

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