Hi there,
I have a membership with a forum inside it, and it is covered by the 'all content' memberpress rule so it is protected by a login.
However, I am creating a second forum, which will only be accessible to a different group of people. In order to do this, I need to set up a rule using a page number. Is it possible to get the page ID for a forum for this purpose?
If not, how can I ensure that forum can only be viewed by my small group and not my whole membership?
I think this FAQ topic can help you and answer all your questions.
@blackraz I am so sorry but I am still really stumped with this, I have followed everything but I have a forum that i have set up like the documents say, but people who should be able to access it cannot. I am testing with just this one person currently, this person cannot access the forum and when they click the URL it tells them its unauthorised and prompts them to login, even though she are logged in and should be set up to access.
She has an assigned user role, which matches with the wpForo usergroup. Her wpForo member profile says she is in the correct usergroup. The forum says that usergroup has standard access. Yet when she logs in and goes to the URL, it says it is unauthorised and tells her she needs to login. Attached is all the screenshots of the set up.
I have been testing and testing this for hours and nothing is working. Any guidance would be so appreciated
@blackraz thank you. I have followed all those instructions and also sought support from wordpress to clear caching and it is still not working. I have checked for plugin conflicts, I have changed all my memberpress rules. I have spent hours on this with no luck, I really see no reason why they cannot access this page. I am getting desperate - is there a service with wpforo where someone can get inside and take a look? Or do you have any other suggestions?
Really appreciate your responses!