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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to define "can-pass-moderation" depending on the accessed forum (by forumid)

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Hi Support,
Suppose I have two forums (threaded layout)
- Forum-A
- Forum-B
I want to be able to define that user_1 can post in Forum-A without being moderated, but if user_1 posts in Forum-B, post must wait to be approved.
I just cannot find a way to do it. 
Can this be achieved?
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Hi @jorgew,

This can be reached using wpForo secondary Usergroup.

I'd suggest reading this article, here is explained how to use the secondary usergroup.


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Hi @sofy,

I can't find the right user/usergroups/permission/accesses combination to achieve what I'm looking for.

The same member user-1 needs two kind of permissions, depending on which forum he/she is.


These are my "best" current settings: 

-> User-1: setting it to "Contributor" = "Council Member" (needs NO moderation on forum-A)  (see Image1)


-> User-1: Secondary Usergroups "Petitioning Member" (needs moderation on forum-B)  (see Image2)


-> "Contributor" and "Role Petitioner" rolesBoth with only one WP capability: read_private_pages   (no image)


-> Usergroup: "Council Member" - "Contributor"  (needs NO moderation)  (see Image3)


-> Usergroup: "Petitioner member" - "Role Petitioner" (needs to be approved) (see Image4)


-> "Council member" = "Contributor" access for Forum-A :  "Standard access" (see Image5)


-> "Petitioning Member" = "Role Petitioner" access for Forum-B: "Petitioner access"  (see Image6)


-> Forum-A permissions: (see Image7)


-> Forum-B permissions: (see Image8)



Under these settings, user-1 can post without moderation (waiting to be approved) on both forums A and B

Other settings that I tried will in fact ask for moderation but for both forums as well.

Of course in each case I deleted all caches and reloaded browser's page before posting.

What am I doing wrong?

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ok @jorgew,

I've checked one more time and I'm really sorry but currently, it'll not be possible.

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Myself I found the following situation:

User parameter Can_pass_moderation is located inside usergroups, and therefore it is a "high level" parameter within wpForo, which cannot be defined TRUE or FALSE according to forumid.

If it would have been located inside Forum Accesses, it would have been a "lower level" parameter, which (I find) would then have been able to be defined based on forumid.

What do you think of this @sofy?

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Yes, @jorgew, at first I've also thought in this way. 

We're going to discuss with our team to move the CAN in Forum Accesses tab, and If the changes will not cause issues with other modules we'll move it for sure.

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Hi @sofi

So if it'll be possible we'll move this CAN. 

This would make it very useful.

Thanks again Sofy!!