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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to get to wpforo/wpf-languages/directory

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Hello! I am trying to translate wpforo into portuguese. I have the pot file ready but I do not know how to upload it into wpforo because the guide says that I need to go to  wpforo/wpf-languages/directory and I have no idea how to get to that page. Any assistance/guidance would be greatly appreciated

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The tutorial means wpforo/wpf-languages/ folder. But I recommend upload it to some update safe folder. The PM/MO files should be located in /wp-content/languages/plugins/ directory or better use Loco Translate plugin to relocate the translation  files in a safe directory, e.g. in /wp-content/languages/loco/plugins/. Please make sure the po/mo files have wpforo- prefix, without this prefix they’ll not be processed.


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@robert how do I get to the /wp-content/languages/plugins/ directory?

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@willpowerwisps ,

If it's not there, you should create it. It's automatically when you change website language in WordPress settings, or if you translate some plugin using the Loco Translate plugin: