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[Solved] How to remove website section from profiles

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I wanted to remove the website section from the profiles. I saw one post that showed code to remove social media profiles, but I am not sure how to remove the website section. Please let me know the CSS custom code. 

Warm regards,

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Hi @hbk747 

.wpf-field.wpf-field-type-url.wpf-field-name-user_url {
display: none;

add it to custom css
Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Colors & Styles > Custom CSS

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@tutrix Thank you!

is it possible to remove the 

I feel like people could exploit or troll people using that.

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#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-profile-account .wpf-field-type-avatar li:nth-of-type(2){
display: none
Posts: 41
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@tutrix thank you!