Hello, Thanks for the suggestion. I already have user profiles deactivated on the forum. Let me explain my issue: I am running a blog and a forum...
Thank you but lets assume I allow the profile to be edited after a while (lets say 4 posts), then the user can add dofollow links using about me, webs...
Also how can I remove the signature section and how do I remove the source code options from the about me section?
Hello, That is object cache pro. It does not have any exclusion option. There has to be another way.
@sison2466 @sofy I was checking online and there is a way to edit the registration email. You can change the text. For wpforo users in the email setti...
@sofy Hello, thank you for your reply. I have talked to the plugin developers and they are saying that is not possible. However I have another semi-so...
@tutrix Hello. Thanks for your reply. Even if the wpforo link is not a custom one, is there a way to change my website's link. I don't want people to ...