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Login link question.

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@sofy See it doesnt work? When someone registers and/or requests new password, this is the email that they recieve from my website: 

To reset your password, visit the following address:

123example is the custom login link which I do not want users to see for security reasons.

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@gorgeousjorge Thank you for trying to help me. Unfortunately when I tried adding the code in the functions.php as @sofy suggested, it did not work on my staging website. 

I just want something like wpforo's setup i.e. when I register or request a new password on wpforo, this is what shows:

wpforo's custom login link is not visible as seen in the picture but for my websites the custom login link appears like this:

To reset your password, visit the following address:

123example is the custom login link which I do not want users to see for security reasons.

Please help!

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@tutrix I was talking about this issue. Id be very grateful if you could help.

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Posted by: @hbk747

wpforo's custom login link is not visible as seen in the picture

What makes you think this is a masked custom link?

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@tutrix Hello. Thanks for your reply. Even if the wpforo link is not a custom one, is there a way to change my website's link. I don't want people to know our custom login url. Please help

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I've consulted with the developers regarding this issue. Please find their response below:

The custom link is generated by another plugin. Therefore, you should reach out to the plugin support and request them to hardcode the link.

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@sofy Hello, thank you for your reply. I have talked to the plugin developers and they are saying that is not possible. However I have another semi-solution. When someone registers to the site, they receive the following email: 


Username: henri k

To set your password, visit the following address: customloginlink?action=rp&key=5osOd8e2ABg028Xsizwo&login=henri%20k /customloginlink


I can live with the first link but is there any setting/code that can remove the second link i.e. /customloginlink

This second link leads to the login page directly while the first one just sets their password.

Thank you!

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@hbk747 @sofy I have the exact same issue. For security I have a custom wordpress log in and am looking for a workaround so that wpforo users don't see that custom url.

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@sison2466 @sofy I was checking online and there is a way to edit the registration email. You can change the text. For wpforo users in the email settings you can modify the emails sent to new users, admins etc from this section

So my question is how can we remove the second link using wpforo or editing the theme files?  i.e. (  /customloginlink)

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Please verify that the following options are enabled::

  • Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL
  • Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL
  • Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL

f these options are enabled and the issue persists, it suggests that wpForo cannot manage it further. You should find the solution in the custom link generation plugin. 

You can find the options in the Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Login & Registration admin page. 

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