Jan 05, 2019 8:35 pm
Hello guys, I love wpForo and I think that is a very good plugin, but I didn't find a way to do this thing: Show the reputation title only if the custom title is empty. Is there a way to do this thing?
Or... If it is not possibile, is there a setting to allow the user to choose between showing reputation title or custom title? Is there a setting like this?
1 Reply
Jan 05, 2019 9:52 pm
Thank you Nintendomi,
I'm sorry but there is no option to do this. You can manage Custom Title, Reputation Title and Usergroup displaying for each Usergroup separately in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Members admin page.
For example for admin on our community the Custom Title is on "Support Team", the reputation title is off and the Usergroup Title is on.