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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Iframe tag added but I got forbidden server error

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Hi, I just added the extar tags to wpfor. it's now like

embed(src width height name pluginspage type wmode allowFullScreen allowScriptAccess allowautoplay flashVars frameborder), iframe(src width height allowfullscreen allowautoplay),


when I add iframe from script like this

<iframe src="" width="800" height="450"</iframe>

the pic of viedo shown but when I click on add topiv I got an error like that

Could you please help me

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could you please help us

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Hi @hakan,

Please don't duplicate the questions.Β 

I've already contacted the plugin developers and currently waiting for the response for them. Please wait a bit, I'll answer you asap.

The second topic related to the same question will be deleted.Β 

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Please send the admin login details to info[at] email address to allow us to check it.Β 

Posts: 7
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Joined: 5 years ago

HI @sofy

I just send you the dashboard admin login credentials


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Support Team
Posts: 5090


The issue doesn't have any relation to wpForo. It comes either from one of the active plugins, or, where your website is located. Please follow the steps below to get it resolved:

1. At first, deactivate the Jetpack plugin, delete all caches, and check again. We think this may be a Jetpack plugin conflict.

2. If the issue doesn't come from Jetpack plugin deactivate other plugins one by one and check after each deactivation to find a problem maker. 

Please don't forget to press Ctrl+F5 on the frontend each time before checking to reload updated JS/CSS files.     

3. If none of the plugins caused the issue you should contact support and let them know about the issue. 

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