Hi, I just added the extar tags to wpfor. it's now like
embed(src width height name pluginspage type wmode allowFullScreen allowScriptAccess allowautoplay flashVars frameborder), iframe(src width height allowfullscreen allowautoplay),
when I add iframe from script like this
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/411777168" width="800" height="450"</iframe>
the pic of viedo shown but when I click on add topiv I got an error like that
Could you please help me
could you please help us
Hi @hakan,
Please don't duplicate the questions.Β
I've already contacted the plugin developers and currently waiting for the response for them. Please wait a bit, I'll answer you asap.
The second topic related to the same question will be deleted.Β
Please send the admin login details to info[at]gvectors.com email address to allow us to check it.Β