Good evening everyone,
I just created forum at but after posting two topics as an Admin, I was unable to post again for over 6 hours now.
I have tried to cross check the settings and other features but to no avail.
Please kindly advise on probable way of getting it done.
Hi @omoadamo,
Could you please tell me a little more about the issue? Is there any error messages? We've tried to create topics and got the following message:
You have been banned. Please contact to forum administrators for more information.
Is there the same in your case?
Dear Sofy,
Thanks for your response. I got no error message after I clicked on "Add topic" button.
After the button is clicked, it will just refresh the page while all the text disappeared.
I have tried several times.
Dear Sofy,
I think I got the "Testing post" you created.
But why am I having such challenges from end.
Though, what I'm trying to post is very large. Does that mean it has a limit post text?
Thanks in anticipation.