In current version, where to find the following feature?
- Insert Forum Attachments to Media Library
Enable this option to be able manage forum attachments in Dashboard > Media > Library admin page.
Can't find Settings > Features Tab.
Can find the "Insert Forum Attachments to Media Library" option in the corresponding menu:
- Single Board Forum:
- Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Posting & Editor Settings
- Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Posting & Editor Settings
- Multi-Boards Forum:
- Dashboard > EN Forum > Settings > Posting & Editor Settings
- Dashboard > FR Forum > Settings > Posting & Editor Settings
- Dashboard > EN Forum > Settings > Posting & Editor Settings
I don't see where I can do in setting to allow multiple attachments when clicking on "Choose File". It appears only 1 attachment is allowed. Please see the attached screenshot.
I just wanted to point out that the wpForo Advanced Attachments add-on installs all attachments in a specific file: Attachments (media library).
The wordpress “Medias” file is completely independent of “Attachments”.
So plugins for processing images (transform, optimize ..) and attached files will have no effect on these media (that's a shame).