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[Solved] Is There a Shortcode for Last Posts?

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Hi there.

I would like to know if there is a shortcode to show only last posts in a page.

Thank you very much.

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Hi @mtarantjr 

Posted by: @mtarantjr

shortcode to show only last posts in a page

[wpforo item="recent"]


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Posts: 10

@tutrix Thank you very much.

Please, is there a list of shortcodes available?

I saw in WPFORO page a few shortcodes but I think that they are not all of them.

For exemple, The shortcode for recents isn't there.

Thank you very much.


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@tutrix .

Can I show the recent posts in a page hiding the sidebar?

Thank you.

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Posted by: @mtarantjr

hiding the sidebar

By using the shortcode, this is a setting of your WP theme
Use a page template without sidebar (full width)
For the default Recent Posts (menu), you can hide the sidebar via CSS

Example sidebar right

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap.wpft-recent .wpforo-content{width:100%!important; }
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap.wpft-recent .wpforo-right-sidebar{display: none;}
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@tutrix Thank you very much.