This a 4 fold question/issues
Before going live in 2-3 weeks I've create today a new domain that will serve my users as a blog and a forum.
Before continuing any further with setups and contents I must resolve few issue that I'm sure will hunt me in the future and I need to set it straight from beginning.
On a virgin install, the first forum is named "main-forum"
I've changed it to the word "welcome" in Hebrew but at the navigation bar nothing changed and it is still showing "/main-forum/"
And yes, I know that I can delete it and recreate, this is fine as long as I do not have any content in it, but once there is I cannot delete because the content will fly to the garbage…therefore a change of forum name requires a change in the URL as well.
That was point 1&2 (red & green)
Point 3. (blue) Seems to be incorrect count of forums. Looks like you're counting categories & forums. This is also was observed in my test site.
Point 4, (yellow) is there a way to eliminate the page name to avoid redundancy or to assign a description like "Welcome to my Forum" bla bla?
Thnak you
I've changed it to the word "welcome" in Hebrew but at the navigation bar nothing changed and it is still showing "/main-forum/"
You should change forum slug as well
Point 3. (blue) Seems to be incorrect count of forums. Looks like you're counting categories & forums. This is also was observed in my test site.
wpForo also counts categories. This number shows Category+Form count.
Point 4, (yellow) is there a way to eliminate the page name to avoid redundancy or to assign a description like "Welcome to my Forum" bla bla?
There is an option "Show Forum Page Title" in Forums > Settings > Features admin page. You can enable/disable forum page title.
Thank you for the clarifications.
All works now well.