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[Closed] Large forum posting speed issue

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2 Users
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@robert This is  our live site :

we are facing problem while
1) user is login
2) while like/unlike
3) while add any comments/posts
4) we have only 80,000 topics
5) we have only 5 million posts ( comments)

The site is live and need to solve the problem why it's very slwo and down the site while any one just add comments/post and like or unlike or any other activity.

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Posts: 10583
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Hi @programmer75,

Please provide some information about your hosting.

Also, check the database issue out in wpForo > Tools > Database tables Tab, do ou see any issue there?

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Joined: 1 year ago

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Posts: 3

@robert  The Database settings as per your comments dispaly Green message no problem. I repair it.

Joined: 1 year ago

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Posts: 3

But still the problem not solved.