Hi there,
I'm having a few different issues. First one is the forum plug in itself doesn't seem to show on any web browser except for chrome and I'm not sure why/how to fix that.
Additionally, I've added a screenshot, but when looking at the forum on my website there doesn't appear to be a log out option anymore?
Last one, when looking at plug ins enabled on Wordpress, wpforo has become three different drop down categories (WpForo, MAKE│NZ forum, and Forums)? And when trying to add new categories in any of the sections it doesn't seem to be coming through on the actual website.
I feel like there's probably going to be a really simple fix to these problems but I'm not sure what it could be.
Additionally, I've attached what the "WpForo, MAKE│NZ forum, and Forums" menu looks like
Hi @sabineb,
I think you've mixed boards with forums. I see you've created three boards. You should have one board and create forums in that board. Are you should you want to have three different and separate forum pages?