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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Latest update to WP foro - conflict with Memberpress

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I have WP Foro and Memberpress on 6 client sites using the Divi Theme. The Forum is protected by Memberpress. I use the [wpforo] shortcode on a page to display the forum

I just ran all the updates on the first of them and have found that if I update to the latest version of WP Foro, the whole forum disappears and in its place is text on the page saying 'this is out of WP Foro environment.'

After much trial and error I have found that if I remove the Memberpress rule protecting the forum all is well.

None of the other plugin, theme or core Wordpress updates affect the forum, only this conflict with Memberpress is the issue.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not a developer - just a designer who built some sites. So I'm a bit stuck. We all love WP Foro and we have to keep the forums private within Memberpress.

If you have any advice I would be very grateful. 

Many thanks.

Faith - this is the live site without the update done - this is the staging site with the update to WP Foro applied. 

Unfortunately you can view these pages unless you're a member as they are protected

If you need to get into the site, I can send you a user login privately. I just need to know what email address to use for you.

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Still trying to solve this issue.

Have resorted to removing Memberpress protection from the Forum page and using your own settings to make the forum private.

All is good, except when I am logged out and go to I can still see the Recent Posts tab. I can't open the posts, but I want this to be totally private so need for the recent posts and topics and the members' names who wrote them to be completely hidden from public view. Have set all Forums to Guest NO ACCESS and have removed ability to see Members. But post titles still showing. Is this possible to hide these from public view. 

Many thanks

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Posts: 1862


Please try the following CSS code:

.wpf-guest .wpforo-main #wpforo-title{

The code should be added in the Dashboard > Forums > Settings  > Styles admin page, put the following CSS code in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea.

Please don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.

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That's brilliant. Works perfectly. Thank you!