Trying to understand the line break/paragraph thing.
Iยดm developing a forum and my goal is to have the enter key making a line break and not a paragraph, just like in other editors.
Users are not going to use the shift+enter to make a line break.
Can this be done in wpforo/wordpress?
I mean pressing enter creates a line break, and if i want a paragraph then shift+enter; the opossite of whats now.
There are the following keys in the wpForo:
- Shift+Enter adds a line break (<br/>).
- Pressing Enter creates a paragraph (<p></p>), resulting in two line breaks
There is no option to customize these key behaviors.
Hi and thanks for the clarification.
It`s a real "deal breaker" in a forum, who`s gonna use shift+enter to do a line break?
Everyone just presses enter and that`s it.
There are no plugins and/or css code to change that behavior?
Iยดm very sorry to read that.
Anyway thanks for your input.
Best regards.
There are no plugins and/or css code to change that behavior?
if this is so important to you, you can deactivate the p tag for new lines and activate the br instead
edit > wpforo > classes > Template.php
search for (topic + post)
'wpautop' => false,
and add these 2 lines of code below it
'force_br_newlines' => true, 'force_p_newlines' => false,
Tutrix, thank you it works.