Oct 11, 2018 9:44 am
I can not translate one line - http://joxi.ru/KAgZozbfEKjR52
In the admin section in the phrase section, I asked the translation -Â http://joxi.ru/D2PKYZaCqJlMom
Cache cleared. Tell me what's wrong? Thank!
2 Replies
Oct 11, 2018 11:25 am
Hi @dimbays,
Thank you for letting us know. This will be fixed in the next version.Â
As a temporary solution, you can edit the wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/functions-template.php file, find this line (2044 line):
$html .= '<p class="wpf-viewing-users"><i class="fas fa-male"></i> ' . sprintf( 'Currently viewing this topic %s %s %s.', $users, $and, $guests) . '</p>';
Change to this:
$html .= '<p class="wpf-viewing-users"><i class="fas fa-male"></i> ' . sprintf(wpforo_phrase( 'Currently viewing this topic %s %s %s.', false), $users, $and, $guests) . '</p>';