My editor for commenting on topics has gone weird. I have lost all features and they have been replaced with some weird black boxes. The last plugin i remember adding was "Email Templates" it has been removed before i noticed the change, im not sure if that plugin has effected anything, but i cannot seem to get it back to normal.. please help!!
Screenshot of what i have:
Hi @gambino . Things you can try doing:
1) Try to "deactivate" plugins, one at a time.
Go to : WP Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins > Active Plugins
2) Each time, you disable, go to the Front End of your Forum and refresh the page (Control F5).
You can also try to "temporarily switch themes" by going to your Forums Page first, then select the
Go to : WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
"Customize Button", and then under "themes" select a basic Wordpress theme like "twenty-nineteen" and then you can see the changes to the Forum Page WITHOUT HAVING TO activate the theme, if you are just wanting to "rule out" which is causing your Forum to behave that way.
In my own testing, it's usually either plugins, or the WP themes that's causing the issues.
If all else fails, sometimes reinstalling the wpForo all over again is faster, especially if the forum is still on "testing mode". Reading up on the documentation also helps customize it.
Good luck and God bless you! 🙂
FYI here is a test post you can see..
All toolbar icons are gone.
I cant believe it..... i fixed it! It was "disable the visual editor when writing" was off on my profile!
Case closed lol... thanks for the effort anyway... many hours lost adding and removing!!!
"kicking myself"
@chrisw I found the problem... human error lol. Thanks for your time though, really appreciate it!
Thank you, its a work in progress! 🙂