All my Registered users get this when selecting their MyProfile - > Account: A permission error.
Account AND Subscriptions are missing also.
I can't find what could be wrong. Any ideas welcome.
Ok, this is getting more interesting. It seems that sometimes the Myprofile / Account is working and sometimes not.
I gave touched nothing and the user told me that now it works and after a while it doesn't.
See the working capture:
I did an account as normal user and checked that problem myself.
It is happening exactly as i posted above.
I think the problem (bug ?) comes from the fact i'm not allowing Members view. To Registered group.
Not sure why it affects the logged in registered user and HIS profile.
I think they are not logged in. And somehow the Account menu is not disappeared. They click and get this error. they should not see the Account menu when they don't logged in.