Hello. I hope I'm adding a topic in a right section 🙂
I have a problem with menu. I've set up a menu. I added a menu in polish and another one in english. I used default shortcode URLs (in polish menu they were already in menu). Both menu are displayed properly. The problem is that shortcodes don't work. I get an error on every page. (page not found).
The shortcodes in menu in dashboard are proper (/%.......%/). When I look at the forum and the links there, they are magically changed into a standard links (without % %). But even if I type in a browser: mypagesname.com/%someshordcodeurl%/ they don't work.
Did I do sth wrong or what happened?
Please help 🙂
Hi Elena234,
Could you please leave the screenshot of your menu page.
Also, here you can find information about the wpForo menu:
Hey, i am also having same problems like that only related with menus. When i integrated my whole wpforo froum to a page with the help of shortcode ,the whole forum is showing but its menu is not working. What should i do?