Feb 24, 2020 3:32 pm
Even at your /forum pages something is terribly wrong:
Feb 24, 2020 3:32 pm
Also why your /community page redirects to /forum? Why not a 404 not found?
Feb 24, 2020 8:39 pm
Would really appreciate some help to get this sorted before the end of the day if that's possible, I don't like leaving my site broken like this for so long.Β
Just need a way to change the forum page ID
Feb 24, 2020 8:52 pm
2b honest i re-read the whole topic and checked the video, and ... well ... i don't understand what all that mean. Date of the post? Schedule post? ID of a page with links? The software doesn't let me delete?
Maybe i'm not that smart but i don't see any problem. The forums seem to work fine. I only see that /community exists and it shouldn't. forum-2 doesn't exist (404).