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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Migrating to wpForo and also moving to a fresh install of Wordpress

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I have (with SimplePress) and (with only a fresh installation of Wordpress).

My first guess is that my migration will look something like what I have below.

  1. On oldsite, install wpForo.
  2. On oldsite, migrate SimplePress to wpForo with the Go2wpForo plugin.
  3. On newsite, install wpForo.
  4. On oldsite, use phpmyadmin to export the user table, the usermeta table, and all of the wpForo tables.
  5. On newsite, use phpmyadmin to import the above tables.

Will that work or do I need to use additional pluginsΒ to help with the migration? Thanks!

Edit: I don't think there are any other user-related tables that need to come over. There are no comments, orders, memberships, etc.

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Hi @philraymond,

I'd suggest you read this support topic:

Here is already explain the steps.Β