Mar 04, 2020 6:04 pm
I have (with SimplePress) and (with only a fresh installation of Wordpress).
My first guess is that my migration will look something like what I have below.
- On oldsite, install wpForo.
- On oldsite, migrate SimplePress to wpForo with the Go2wpForo plugin.
- On newsite, install wpForo.
- On oldsite, use phpmyadmin to export the user table, the usermeta table, and all of the wpForo tables.
- On newsite, use phpmyadmin to import the above tables.
Will that work or do I need to use additional pluginsΒ to help with the migration? Thanks!
Edit: I don't think there are any other user-related tables that need to come over. There are no comments, orders, memberships, etc.
1 Reply
Mar 05, 2020 10:11 am
Hi @philraymond,
I'd suggest you read this support topic:
Here is already explain the steps.Β