I discovered a small mistake, but it completely bothers me.
I have several forums, eg forum A, forum B and forum C. Each forum has its subforums, eg subforum A1, subforum A2 ... subforum B1, subforum B2, ... C1, C2, C3 ....
The link to the forums is as follows:
ie e.g.
The problem occurs if I get to the address of the main forum, ie to the address:
This can happen, for example, by using "breadcrumbs" or I refer to these addresses directly to increase clarity.
If I use the "Add topic" button to create a topic from the address of the main forum, ie web.com/community/forumB, the icon for fullscreen is missing, see the picture.
The same thing happens here on the web.
Try adding a new topic from this address: https://wpforo.com/community/general-forums/
I love this button when writing comments from a mobile device.