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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Missing icons after last update

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After last update, any icon is missing in wp-foro.

I tried to delete cloudflare cache as same as browser cache but without success. 


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Hi @developerl2

wpForo 1.4.6 comes with new Font Awesome icon lib (version 5). Your website has not loaded this lib. This is whether Cache problem or the lib is disabled.

Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > features admin page and make sure Font Awesome lib is enabled:

Then delete all caches, if you have CDN purge the CDN. And do Ctrl+F5 on forum front.


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Perfect, thank you!

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I don't see the option of "wpForo Font Awesome lib" to enable/disable under Settings > Features admin page.

Any help appreciated.

None of the icons appear after recent upgrade,

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I've done what is shown in this thread (The feature was already turned on for me, but I turned it on and off /did the cache deletion) and it didn't fix it. I've also tried the CSS fix  shown here:

Neither have corrected the issue for me, my icons are all boxes and (strangely) all gravatars are also showing up only as white boxes? 

Link to site:

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I see your website HTML/CSS/JS is optimized with some very hard tool. it's affecting anything in content. It event doesn't allow to delete the cache. Please disable JS/CSS/HTML optimization/minification functions, then delete all caches, and do Ctrl+F5. If it doesn't helped just disable the plugins you use for website optimization and caching, they are doing a very non-intuitive and non-flexible job. They affect all.

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Posted by: Robert

I see your website HTML/CSS/JS is optimized with some very hard tool. it's affecting anything in content. It event doesn't allow to delete the cache. Please disable JS/CSS/HTML optimization/minification functions, then delete all caches, and do Ctrl+F5. If it doesn't helped just disable the plugins you use for website optimization and caching, they are doing a very non-intuitive and non-flexible job. They affect all.

This fixed it, thanks. I'm using plugins that minify the CCS/JS and and put them in groups.

Are there any plugins to achieve this confirmed to compatible with WpForo?

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You can use any plugin, but I recommend exclude forum page /community/ from plugin functions. Such plugins should have an option to do this.

To tell the true, i don't like such plugins, they will make tons of problem with lots of plugins, not only with wpForo. Grouping and minifying is the most aggressive optimization way. 90% of wpForo CSS is already optimized , you don't need to do that again.


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