I wanted to ask why I am getting error message on my newly created forum https://forumlokalnivyhledavani.cz/ - I did everything from documentation but still I don't understand why I am getting an 404 error when I click on "Register", "Login" or "Members" I am getting Error 404 - page not found. I also tried to remove wpForo plugin and do it again but I am getting the same issue. Can you please help me find out where could be a problem, please?
You have index.php in your permalinks.
Please go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks admin page and select the Post name one, save it. Then go to wpForo > Boards admin page, edit the main board and save it as well. If it doesn't work then you should disable the "Turn WordPress to this forum board" option in the board section.
Also, please make sure the Page ID of the board exists in Dashboard > Pages admin page and it contains [wpforo] shortcode.
Wow, thank you very much for very fast answer, I am surprised of this community! I was trying to solve it a few days and I was really sad that I cannot find solution anywhere. Changing permalinks to Post name fixed the problem!
Can I have an additional question or is it better to create a new thread?
I just wanted to ask how can I change width of forum? I used [wpforo] tag. On some pages I found out that it's caused by template. But I use default template and there is no option to change width. 😞
I am sending photo for better understanding.