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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Plase add some stuff

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Please add:
1. widget: stats from footer (forms numre, topci number, user registered)
2. WIdget: link to logout, profil user - if is login
3. Import/export forums list and topics
4. a) Disable user profile, b) add "noindex" in profile
5. Disable add any atachment

6. No follow in external link

7. When I write some post and deleet accont all post connectet to this user have: 1.No nickname! 2."Joined: 47 lat  ago" 3."Posts: 0" 4. "by [empty]"

8. Disable all RSS

9. - "#post-1" = delete all # links its bad for SEO

10. check if set delete accont from forum <=> delete WP accont

11. when I set "show slug" when edit forum and Publish, slug is gone

12. Problem 1: When I want do delet some paragraph from \plugins\wpforo\wpf-themes\classic\layouts\1\topic.php


    <p class="wpforo-topic-start-info wpfcl-1">
                <span class="wpfcl-5"><?php wpforo_phrase('First post and replies') ?></span>&nbsp; <i id="button-arrow-<?php echo intval($topic['topicid']) ?>" class="topictoggle wpfcl-a fa fa-chevron-<?php echo ( $post_toglle == 1 ? 'up' : 'down' ) ?>"></i>
                <?php if(isset($last_post) && !empty($last_post)) : ?>
                    <span class="wpf-vsep">|</span>
                    <span class="wpf-last-post-by"><a href="<?php echo esc_url($wpforo->post->get_post_url($last_post['postid'])) ?>"><?php echo sprintf( wpforo_phrase('Last post by %s', FALSE), $last_poster['display_name'] ) ?>, <?php wpforo_date($last_post['created']); ?> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-sx wpfcl-a"></i></a></span>
                <?php endif; ?>

from theme dont display any forums, cant undo CTR+Z only FTP copy all orginal folder \plugins\wpforo\wpf-themes\classic\ works
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Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago


please find my answers below:

1. widget: stats from footer (forms numre, topci number, user registered)

2. WIdget: link to logout, profil user - if is login

This is already in our to-do list.

3. Import/export forums list and topics

Not planned in near future, maybe in 2 months.

4. a) Disable user profile,b) add "noindex" in profile

You can disable user profile using "Can View Profiles" and "Can View Members" permissions in Usergroup settings.

5. Disable add any atachment

This can be managed in Forums > Settings > Forum Accesses admin page, for according access role. Just edit and disable Can Attach / Can View Attachments permissions.

6. No follow in external link

This already exists. Check all external URLs, for example in Showcases and you'll see the rel="nofollow" attribute.

7. When I write some post and delete account all post connectet to this user have: 1.No nickname! 2."Joined: 47 lat  ago" 3."Posts: 0" 4. "by [empty]"

This issue is already fixed in 1.1.0, please check the member delete function, it asks to attach posts to another user. You can create a user called "Anonymous" or "Deleted User" and always attach deleted users posts to this user.

8. Disable all RSS

Should be in future.

9. - "#post-1" = delete all # links its bad for SEO

I don't think so, this is a good UX to make users access to the latest post or refer certain reply. Google is too smart, and this kind of minor things will nave be a big issue for Website SEO.

10. check if set delete accont from forum <=> delete WP accont

I didn't follow you. Please check the #7, it may be an answer on this question.

11. when I set "show slug" when edit forum and Publish, slug is gone

It because the slug you try to set already exists. Try with other slugs or other forums. Make sure your slug is unique at the moment.

12. Problem 1: When I want do delete some paragraph from \plugins\wpforo\wpf-themes\classic\layouts\1\topic.php

I'm sorry but I have no clue what's wrong with your edited file. If you are familiar with PHP and HTML you should not have any problem here.