Hello! Is there a plan to introduce the function of transferring orΒ move the topic from one forum to another. Or you will need to do it every time through phpmyadmin. I think this is an important function, which is not in the functionality of the plugin.
Thank you
HiΒ vasiliy,
The "Move topic" and the "MoveΒ reply" options areΒ located in the upper right corner (Tools), as shown in the screenshot.
Here you can manage target forum and target topic URL and so on.
More info here: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-4-6-is-released/
Excuse me, I overlooked. May I one more question, why that might be (pictured, incorrect Number of post
Please read this support topic:
If it doesn't help just let us know.