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[Solved] Post content disappeared

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1. Please go to wpForo > Overview admin page, scroll down and click the [Delete All Caches] button

2. Check the errors in wpForo > Tools > Database Tables Tab

3. Check the errors in wpForo > Tools > Debug > Errors & Issues Sub-Tab

4. Edit the main board in wpForo > Boards admin page and save it

5. Go to WordPress Settings > Permalinks admin page and click the [Update Options] button.

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I've been working on this all day. In the end I cloned the site to a Staging site so as not to risk crashing the live site after so many things were going wrong.

So I'm on

Changing the board to 'community' has caused the whole community page to disappear! 

I've add some attachments to show that 

The Forum page slug is definitely /community

The Board is now set to 'community'

Really at a loss and concerned that nothing is working. What can I do?

Thanks for your help.

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Posts: 34

Apologies - I only just saw your message above. Will try solutions now.


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Hi Robert,

Have followed your instructions above up to last point. I can't see the Update options on the Wordpress settings >Permalinks page. So clicked Save changes (even though I didn't make any on that page)

I'm on the staging site doing all this - whole Forum page which has slug /community has now disappeared as a result of updating the board to community.

What should I do?

Many thanks


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There were no errors by the way

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1. Please check if the Board has a page ID in wpForo > Boards admin page:


2. Then find the page and change the slug to the same slug as it's set in the Board settings.

3. Go to wpForo > Overview admin page and click the [Delete All Caches] button.

4. Go to WordPress Settings > Permalinks admin page and click the [Save Changes] button.

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The slug was already correct on the page I wanted to keep using so I changed the ID on the board to match the page ID. Everything is working! Thank you so much for your help.

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